Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesday Wares: the spray

Ok, not really a "ware" so much, as something that I've wanted and I got today!  What is it....
Nose Spray!  Not the most exiting thing to get, but I am so glad that I got it - and that it was so easy to get!

I have been having really bad allergies every time it rains.  Not just one of those afternoon showers, but those never-ending, creek-in-my-backyard rains.  The day after the rain, it feels like my face is going to explode.  So I sneeze and blow my runny nose, down tons of juice, take vitamin C like I'm stocking up for a few weeks (love me some emergen-c) and then take some nyquil and go to bed just a little bit early.  And then the next day I'm fine.

I've been dealing with it for a while now, but recently it's become more noticeable and more of a problem.  My sneezing scares or wakes up the baby - sometimes both.  And I don't really want to be sneezing all day while holding the baby - or saying "hey, will you take the baby so I can go blow my nose" - it's annoying.

So I called my allergist today (I took allergy shots a few years back and they worked wonders!) to see when I could get an appointment.  And they had one for that afternoon.  Unheard of!  So I took it.  The doctor confirmed what I had suspected.  Mold spores - really bad this time of year - and they seem to be out to get me this year.  And he gave me a anti-histamine nose spray to use as needed - he didn't want to do any more allergy testing - and gave me a good-sized sample to try before filling the prescription!  

All in one day!  I hope this works.

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