Friday, September 10, 2010

Feats & Fails Friday

Feat:  I actually have dinner in the crock pot. So dinner is pretty much made - the feat, that I remembered before 3pm that I wanted to cook dinner in the crock pot!

Fail: The waiting room this morning...

Today is baby's 4 month birthday!  And she celebrated it with a shortened morning nap, a long wait at the doctor and FOUR shots!  She did great, though.  Mommy, not so much.

Hopefully we will get some good snuggle time this evening to end the day on a great note!

Update:  In honesty, the shots really didn't upset me that much.  Baby cried, I consoled, then it was over.  It was all the time before seeing the doctor that I was emotional.  Nerves? Anticipation? Just all the waiting?  Who knows.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I remember when Adam had his first shots and he cried. You would have thought by my reaction they were mutilating him. I fell apart. I couldn't handle my baby felt any pain. Sorry, never will go away. Part of being Mommy.