Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday Word: Sleep

Sleep.  That is what's on my mind today.  Baby does great napping during the day - which she defintely still needs.  But at night - she seems to be wanting to see what each hour looks like.  Baby, I will tell you what it looks like... it's dark.  So please just stay asleep!
We think that it's teething pain that is waking her.  She has been such a great sleeper for the longest time - going for about 9 - 10 hours without waking.  But for the past couple of weeks, it seems to be getting worse.  Guess it's that time for the peaceful sleeping to go away for a while.

1 comment:

Talia said...

Often a child will start waking again during the night for a few weeks when they have a growth spurt, or when they have learned a new skill like rolling over, pulling up ect. Our pediatrician explained the later to me, and why it works that way but I don't remember the specifics, just that it happened. The Babywise books gives a list of common times for the "wakies"; I know 9 months is often one. Anyhow, just be consistent with her and it will usually pass in a week or two.