Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tales for Tuesday: procrastination

So here we are again... Tuesday.  And the topic of procrastination.  I never really thought of myself as a procrastinator, until recently.  I'm not one to put everything off till later, just some things.  And I'm really a 2/3rds kind of gal.  I seem to get almost done with a book, knitting, various projects - and then they just don't get finished.  I guess I lose inspiration or I just find another project that I want to do more.  Another thing that I've noticed recently is that I run out of time.  Not working outside of the home, I have more time, or at least I should.  And it seems with the more time that I have, I run out of time faster.  When I have LESS time, I can really get moving and motivated.  I seem to find that do have enough time for the work that I want to get done in the day, and I should have time for doing some reading or something kind of fun.  But just when I think I'm going to get started on doing something kind of fun, the baby wakes up.  I want to find a way to get it all done.  That may just be a crazy thought.  Or maybe I need to schedule in some "me" time into my day. Or just plan to do less.  But that way, I am putting at least something off until tomorrow....

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