Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday Word: "Later"

Peter Walsh - a great organizer that has been on several shows, and now has his own "OWN" show - and has written several great books - says that there are two types of clutter.  Memory Clutter and "I might need this one day" Clutter.  And those two types of clutter keep you tied either to the past or to the future.  Not living in the right now.
I am a very organized person - but not necessarily a "neat" person.  I do have those corners of various rooms, the backs of closets, drawers and piles stashed in various places.  And those piles are pretty much all "memory" and "someday" clutter.  Just like Monica on Friends, I may appear to be super organized, but I have that "locked closet" of STUFF.
I just can't seem to get rid of stuff that reminds me of _____.  Or the stuff that I might need one day, because I did use it in the past, and I wouldn't want to spend the money to buy it again.  This is the reason for my goal for the new year - getting to THOSE corners.  I just feel like they are weighing me down.  And I've wanted to get to them for a while.  I just said that I would get to them LATER.
Such a bad word.  Because, later never comes.  There's always a reason.  I'll go through this... later.  I'll throw it away... later.  Well, later is NOW!  With the baby getting bigger every day, I want those corners GONE.  I want it to be neat. To only have the stuff that I need, that I love, that I use.  Watching Peter Walsh's new show has really got that "I have to throw stuff out right now" feeling churning in my brain.  But have I picked up the trash bag yet?
No,  I was thinking about doing it later....

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