Monday, January 3, 2011

Making on... Monday: More baby food

I made a big trip to Whole Foods last week and have been peeling, cooking, baking, pureeing and freezing for the baby!  I have done sweet potatoes, acorn squash, and some pears (see below).  Tomorrow I will be doing apples and butternut squash (both will be new foods for the baby).  
She LOVES the pears and the acorn squash, so I think that those two new ones will be a hit too! 

1 comment:

MamaDrama77 said...

Good work! You are an organic mommy! I was too disorganized to attempt homemade baby food, sadly. I just drove my drowsy, frazzled self to the Wal-Mart and plunked down for Gerber. Which got thrown on the floor.

Those ice cube trays are cute. LOL