Monday, January 17, 2011

Making on... Monday: Spreadsheet edition

I made something today that would probably fall into the nerdy category - more nerd, less on the creativity.  But still I am excited about it.  I made a grid sheet for making my grocery list.  I am now getting coupon listings from southern savers, meal lists from emealz, then also buying for breakfast, lunches, snacks and baby.  Too much going on to try to make a huge list.  Even with my formerly used spreadsheet, that listed all items and estimated prices and the aisle that they are on.
But I needed something more streamlined and straightforward - and LESS organized, in a way.  My new list has columns for each general category in the store - and rows for each meal, and other times of eating (i.e. snacks).  That way I'm not just throwing stuff in the cart, thinking we need snacks, then finding that I bought way too many.  I can see what I want to get and set limits.  And hopefully this will help with the grocery bill too!

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