Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tales for Tuesday: The Solicitor

Today during naptime, the doorbell rang.  Unexpectedly.  I usually prepare for evasive doorbell action when the UPS man, etc comes down the street - ready to take the dog downstairs if she starts barking/we get a delivery.  I don't want her barking to disturb the baby sleeping.  But today, there was no warning.  Just a doorbell ringing and then the dog barking.
I don't like opening the door for people if I can't tell who they are - or what they represent.  A few months ago, I had a random doorbell ring and it was the meter reader.  I could see his uniform and well-marked truck in front of my house.  And I'm glad I got that one...we had a really bad leak that needed to be taken care of immediately!
But today, there was an unkempt lady with a messy clipboard on my front porch.  And I looked for a vehicle.  Nothing in my driveway or directly in front of my house.  There was an unmarked white van kind of down the street a little.  No way was I opening the door.  So I gathered up the dog and put her on the back porch to calm down a little.  But then the lady rang the doorbell again.  I was getting a little frustrated by then.  Because the second ring - she pushed twice.  Ring Ring.  Annoying.  Then a third time, she beat on the door and rang the doorbell.  The poor dog was barking like crazy - good for her.  She was alerting the neighbors about this crazy person!
Finally she gave up.  I went to another window to see where she was headed, and there was a cop car that had pulled up to the van.  Someone had called the cops on them.  The policeman talked to the guy that was driving the van for about 10 minutes (yeah, I kept an eye on the situation) and the lady I guess was "called" back to the van by the cop.  And then the van left (hopefully with a ticket or citation of some sort) while the police stayed for a minute after they drove off.
I have never been accosted like that by a solicitor...  Well, my door was accosted, not me.  And I have never gotten such instant gratification of justice.  I was disturbed - so was the dog - not so much the baby though, but she could have been.  And then just like that - law enforcement was there to run them off!!  Yea!!
It was a pretty exciting day on my street today!  


Unknown said...

Go Molly! Ugh, what an annoying thing.

Unknown said...

Why am I signed in as my SON??