Friday, October 29, 2010

Four for Four Friday

I'm going to change up the Friday themes, making it "Four for Four Friday"

There are some things that I'd like to get done each week.  And I think if I plan to report them on the blog, there is a better chance for completion! So a little fun and a little encouragement! 
1) Living Simply (getting rid of stuff) - I really want to get going on this ongoing desire for my household!
2) Eco-friendly/green - little things every week will start to add up! 
3) A fun project...or at least do something FUN - I tend to forget about doing that, and I need to make it more important.
4) And then just for fun... a Photo for Friday!  "Great moment of the week" 

Since I came up with this plan/idea today, I only did 2 out of 4! Numbers 3&4

FUN - I read some magazines while watching the "Sound of Music" reunion on Oprah (TiVo-ed) - I rarely if ever watch Oprah, but so glad I caught this one!

PHOTO - I was having a rough afternoon the other day, so the baby decided to cheer me up, via her nap, pacifier and the video monitor.  The paci is STUCK to her face!  And she is sound asleep! 
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