Saturday, January 17, 2009


It has rained so much in January, but you know, I don't mind. I guess it fits my mood. It's very comforting and kind of mellow. And now a very bitter cold has set in. Which I love too. I used to be a very "beachy" person. But over the past few years, I've gotten to where I like cooler weather. Since coming back from Seattle, I really feel like part of me is from the Pacific Northwest. It feels very much like home to me there. So when I get a taste of that weather here, it is very welcome. We even had some really bad storms recently (or could have been bad) - and I wasn't scared, like I usually am.

I've done some research for our summer trip. I looked a little at cruises online, but I just don't think that's our kind of thing. I did some reading at the bookstore – travel books. And decided that cruises definitely weren't for us. But I did find a great “driving” book – road trips around the country. I went ahead and bought it at the store (something I never do - always Amazon). But I wanted to feel like some sort of decision had been made about the trip. I think that we are heading back to Seattle!

I thought of one of the things that I had wanted to do for myself. To go to the movies – alone. I've never done that. And at 32, it's probably about time that I had the confidence to sit in a theater by myself. So I decided that Twilight would be the perfect movie to do this with. It is leaving the theater soon, so I couldn't dilly dally. And the desire to see it (again) would be stronger than my possible anxiety in seeing a movie by myself. So last Saturday morning, after cleaning the house, I went to see Twilight, by myself. The parking lot, as well as the theater, was pretty packed. But getting the ticket, then going in the theater and sitting by myself – not bad at all. Didn't bother me. I felt ok with it. Maybe even a little empowered. Almost as soon as I sat down, the lights dimmed. Perfect timing! I am so glad that I did that! It was nice to enjoy my first solo movie outing. So much so that I think I might go again sometime soon.

When I got home from the movie, D was talking to me about “the plan” for getting a iPhone. So he told me that I could go ahead and get one if I wanted. And a few minutes later, we were on the computer, signing up and buying one. To ship later that week...

To case or not to case? I had been thinking about getting a case. I stared at them for about 30 minutes one day at the Apple store, and none of them screamed out "Get me." But the day my phone was sitting on the front porch, freshly delivered from UPS, I really thought about it. Yes, I SO need a case. I remember the camera incident. When it just jumped out of my hands and shattered on the hardwood floors. I am WAY too clumsy to not have this phone protected!
So I got a case, a red one. And a screen protector. And I've gotten lots of apps - mostly free ones! I am having fun playing with my new phone - discovering all the cool things it has to offer!

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