Thursday, October 30, 2014

The organized AND kid-filled car

Yet another comment this morning to me about how clean my car is.  Well, I guess it is, but I guess it’s just normal to me to have it that way.  Yes, I did take all the seats out a few weeks ago and vacuumed to make room for field trip goers that I was driving to and from.  But really, it usually is just that neat. 

It’s interesting that I DON’T have a no eating rule in my car.  We do eat in there.  Maybe not super messy stuff – like Cheetos or powdered donuts!  But we have nuggets, goldfish, and the standard toddler snacking fare in the car many days.  So, how does it stay so neat, with three kids under 6 years old?  I’m not THAT neat? 

Here are some of my tips that I have implemented over the past few years: 

1.  Have a place for trash to go. 
If you accumulate LOTS of trash during a single day, think about getting a small bath trashcan and just putting it in the floor of your car.  Throw a plastic shopping bag in there (from Target or the grocery store… we all have those!) and then take the bag out every few days.  I have a small bag in my console that collects tissues, gum and wrappers.  I actually made it out of a few paper lunch bags (to give it a little heft).   You could use a bag, a plastic bin – they even sell vinyl bags for trash collecting specifically for the car. 

2.  What comes TO the car goes back OUT of the car. 
I have a rule when we get home from school.  You take your own backpack up to the kitchen – so that mommy can unpack lunchboxes and get folders unpacked and organized.  And anything else come out of the car, what you TAKE to the car, you have to carry back in the house.  It’s kind of like hiking in the forest – Carry out what you carry in. 

3.  Stock supplies in the car. 
I have small children – that always seem to get covered in stuff.  Or get stuff on ME!   So I have wipes in the car – not in a diaper bag – just accessible for any kind of wiping or cleaning needs.  I have used them for EVERYTHING!  First aid, muddy shoes, spilled coffee (oops mommy) and well, for the traditional use for wipes!  Also have pen and paper – just throw a notebook in the glove compartment with a pen clipped to it.  Also, a first aid kit:  this could be store bought it or just a baggie of band-aids.  Our family is, well, challenged with walking sometimes, so I have LOTS of band-aids, Neosporin, antibacterial spray and a few other things.   Also, think of specific needs your family might have – things that seem to always be needed when you are in the car.  We have a few books and toys for when we are waiting at various places.  Also, think of specific needs for each season such as bug spray & sunscreen for summer; maybe gloves or an ice scraper for winter.  And make sure they are all gathered in something.  Find nooks and crannies to store these things in your car.  Or get a caddy or a seat organizer.   Nothing is on the floor – nothing is flying around the car!  I have a couple of spot in my van where things can be stored – then I have a “kid kit” in a backseat organizer. 

4.  Eating in the car.
Establish what rules you want for your car.  These will vary greatly depending on how much time you spend in the car and the eating habits & ages of your kids.  I mentioned our eating rules for our car.  We do sometimes eat lunches in the car.  I have divided lunch containers that I use if packing from home.  And I have emergency plastic cups and bowls that I use to divvy out chicken nuggets or some kind of food from a drive-thru when we are on the road.  This helps to decrease trash explosions and reduces spillage! 

5.  Emergencies.
Things will happen.  And a few things you can plan ahead – for those just in case moments.  Things like jumper cables.  Or extra clothes for your kids.  Or for YOU!  Most of these “emergency” supplies don’t come to the car until after you have the emergency and DON’T have the supply you need.  When you end up carrying home a pants-less child because of an accident.  I have extra clothes for my kids in the car (you can guess my emergency that I didn’t have supplies for).  Just think about who you guys are and where you go – and if there’s room, stick a few things in there.  You will hopefully never have to be glad you did.  But if you do, whew!! 

Keeping things off the floor – while having what you need – is the trick to have a neat and highly functioning vehicle.  But that IS the trick, right?  Easier said than done?  Some days, it’s just not going to happen, but one rainy Saturday, clean out that car!  And you will be amazed how much space there is.  And you might even find that lost soccer sock or the missing chicken nugget…  Gross. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The To-Do List

Now the big clean-out seems to be looming in the future – at least at my house.  It hasn’t happened yet.  I hope that it will soon.  But admitting that it needs to happen is the first step, right?  I have identified the problem.  And I know what I want it to look like.  But finding the time to get it started, let alone get it done – with all the other daily stuff that the house and people IN the house need – is a task in itself!

So I’m going to talk about another organizing tool – or torture devise – depending on how you see it!  The To Do list!  Some people love writing out lists and checking things off – and some people just keep the list in their head.  But however you do it, you’ve got a list.  Somewhere.  And as for me, I have a ton lists.  A daily list.  A long term list.  A weekly list.  Lots of lists!   

So to those that do not like the list, here are some benefits to making to do lists – about anything, really - long term projects, daily tasks, things to get, things to do.  And some ways to use the list, once you have made it!

The Good:

Visualize - You get to see what needs to be done.  Sometimes the task seems so big, that when you write a list, it doesn’t seem so bad.  Or the flip side of that – the task seems simple, but when broken down, it is revealed to be more involved. 
Prioritize – Having the tasks written out helps you see what needs to be done first, get you on the right track and keep you on the track!
Sorting and Grouping – The list will also help you sort and group items together – making things a little easier…
Delegate – This is a great way to get through the list faster.  Get some helper!
Remember – And yes, the list will help you remember what needs to be done. 

However, there are some bad things to making lists.  Yes, I know, I just said that.  Unbelievable, right?  But this is where I am most of the time. 

The Pitfalls: 

Lose the list - Where did it go?  Now what?  I wrote it down to remember. 
      • Go digital with backups.  Or store lists in a notebook or journal. 
No action – You get caught in just making lists and nothing ever gets done.  Then the list keeps growing and overwhelms you.
Dreaming too big – Sometimes you add too much to the list or start getting too deep – instead of focusing on “first things”
     • For these two, start small and keep things focused on one topic or area
Making vague lists – Not being specific enough about what needs to be done can be immobilizing. 
     • Instead of saying “clean room” say “fold clothes, make bed, etc” 

So with those ideas in mind, let’s make some lists!! 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What’s next?

After doing a few trouble spots of organizing in the house, what is next?  (see last week’s blog for details) 
My spots were the pantry and a kitchen cabinet.  And I feel better already! 

You can keep going and hit a few more small spots.  It’s an easy way to feel a sense of progress and success.  Also, you will be learning your style of organizing.  This is important when you get to the bigger stuff.  To know how you clean out and how throwing things out and moving things around affect you will be important when you get to emotionally charged things. 

So, what about organizing style?  It may seem, by watching home improvement shows or reading magazine articles, that there is a right way to get organized.  But there are SO many different styles of getting through all the stuff and finding a system that works for you. 

The most important thing is to find an organizing system that works for you is that it is easily maintained.  But here are a few basic principles to keep in mind: 
 Find a spot/home for everything – nothing lands and stays randomly
•  Keep surfaces mostly clear
  Pair down enough so that things can “breathe” - aka you can see everything!
  Group like-items together

You might not be a labeling person – and that’s ok!  You might love storage boxes or baskets.  You might like to hang things on the wall (going vertical is a great way to use space).  I love to label, and I like to contain things.  But you might like open shelving and easy access to items.   What you want to find…is all your stuff!   

You want to find a system for you that you can maintain.  There will probably be an initial purge.  But after that, there needs to be a plan for things that enter the house.  And this can be for each area as you get to work on them – different plans for different areas of the house.  The plan will change over time.  And the plan will be forgotten.  And cleaning out will happen again.  But getting to know how this system works for you in YOUR house will help in the future.  It’s best to not just throw everything out (even though, some days, I just want to do that) – it’s going to be a slow-going and sometimes frustrating process.  Yikes!  Who want to start now?!  Yay?  But it’s like a diet – you need something that will work long term.  A crash diet will work short term, but it’s hard to maintain and there is major burn out quickly.  To be organized in the home is to find a “stuff diet” that works – and can keep working. 

The goal should be that you are using your home and storage areas to have the things you need and know where it all is and have easy access to it when you need it.  I am going to be on this organizing journey too.  I like to do it – but sometimes it just NEEDS to get done!  Organizing is an ongoing project.  Things are always coming in the house and need a home.  And if the stuff that’s already here doesn’t have a home, where is the new stuff going to go? 

So I am going to be tackling some big areas in the near future…  There’s a room in my house that has been catching stuff all summer (and for the past 4 years) – and there are so many things that I need in that room, that I think are in that room, and I have no clue where they are.  Or I have to move stuff out of the way to access them.  And it’s driving me crazy.  It wastes my time.  It results in duplicate stuff.   And the time is now… or at least very soon!  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Let’s get started

So the weekend is almost here, fall routines are finally kicking in and the house still seems to be disorganized.  The relaxed and haphazard days of summer are long gone, but now the fall stuff is sitting on TOP of all the summer stuff in the house.  Those “summer” projects are still sitting there – that room, those shelves – that were going to get to before school started are still there.  And now things that have come in the house for school, for fall, for later - are now piled on top of those undone projects.  So how do you dig out of that?  How do you get motivated?  How do you get started, if NOW is the time to get organized?

Start Small. 

Pick something small to start with – I suggest a drawer.  Now, which one?  Find a drawer (or even a small cabinet) that is just bugging you.  It could be a desk drawer, or one in your bedside table.  Maybe even a kitchen drawer, like the utensil drawer.  Here are my criteria on what to pick for that first “get you going” project:

1.     Pick a small area that can be started and completed within 30 minutes or less. 
2.     Pick an area that is used often and would benefit from a quick emptying, purge and cleaning. 
3.     Pick a spot that will give you high impact after it is done – this is good encouragement for your brain to continue the process and pick the next spot! 
4.     Pick a place that is “neutral” – meaning no emotional items or hard choices need to be made.  

One place you may have that you might want to start would be a “junk” drawer in the kitchen (or in my case, a junk spot).  My advice is save that one for a little later.  It could turn into an archeological dig that might stir up emotions and would probably take longer than you think.  This spot is usually the “save for later” spot.  There is a reason that so many things land here.  It’s where things go that have hard decisions with them.  Should I keep it or not?  Where should I keep it?   How about here for now…  Save this drawer for a little later in the process!! 

A good place to start in the kitchen, if that is where you are motivated to be, is the pantry OR fridge.  Most items are easy to make decisions on.  Has it gone bad?  Are we going to eat this?  It’s a great way to clear out and make a huge impact!   Another one is the utensil drawer.  It’s pretty easy to do and just a clean and straighten can make opening that drawer more pleasant! 

So once you decide your spot – and set aside your time to do it – get going.  Because this small accomplishment will get you motivated to attack that corner of your closet.  Or that junk drawer which might be next… 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What do you want to be?

What do you want to be when you grow up?
 I don’t know if I really ever had an answer for that.  When I was a kid, I guess I probably said something like a nurse or whatever came to mind at the time.  When I went to college, I was pretty sure I wanted to be a physical therapist – but things happened and my path was changed.  That’s a whole other story, but I ended up just where I was supposed to be – it didn’t make sense at the time, but what things like that DO make sense?   So I thought about what I wanted to do – what did I want to be now that I was pretty much grown up?  I was married, so I knew exactly what I wanted.  I wanted to be a mom.  Well, it wasn’t so easy for me.  Through many struggles, hopes, longings, heartaches and joys, I am now a mom!  What do I want to be?  A Mommy!
 And once again, I’m asking that question.  What do I want to be, now that my kids are growing up?  They are still so very little, but I want to put in practice now, doing something that I love.  So, what do I love?  I love organizing.  I like cleaning out, making systems and rediscovering stuff I thought I’d lost or space that I didn’t think I had!  It’s energizing to me!
I also love writing.  Journaling and blogging (when I make the time) really bring me joy, bringing out the creative parts in my brain.  The day-to-day life of moms with young kids can sometimes wear down those creative juices, so I’m working on bringing them back!
 I want to be doing something with organizing – helping people, helping myself!  So I’m starting a blog about organizing!  Instead of waiting for something to happen in the future, I’m jumping in the way I can right now!  I’m going to work on cleaning out and organizing spaces and stuff in my house.  I’m going to share tips, goals, ideas, fun ways to get organized and successes that I have at my own house!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wacky days are here to stay

Last week, my Wednesday was weird.  And it seems that the weird stuff always happens on Wednesdays...  But last week, it was really awesome stuff.  (wait... or maybe that was two weeks ago - either way, it was pretty cool)
God was moving in my life in a very simple, but clear and obvious way.  I found out some great news from some friends - God was blessing their family in an amazing way!!  And answered prayer too.  And the things that happen that are totally bizarre or even somewhat inconvenient at the time, but then completely make sense later that day - seem to always happen on Wednesdays to me.
The other wacky thing is the draft of this blog that was not published somehow published itself.  Um, it wasn't really sentences yet.  Not that what I write is ever in a complete sentence...

And then last week, I just had a wacky week - the WHOLE week.  It was just crazy enough to not fit all in one day.  Among them were a closed road due to a gas leak (thankfully we didn't have to evacuate our house like last time.)  And I think my favorite was the huge bumble bee in my shower stall at the gym - that one was just crazy and disconcerting (that buzzing noise...yikes.)
One night of storms kept me up a lot, so the next day I was tired.  I didn't know how tired until I stumbled in my bathroom into the drawer handles and got two HUGE bruises.  Seriously, I hit that hard?  Then the next day, I tripped on a little car that was left in my path.  I slid and rolled my ankle and smashed my toes.  I was sure that one of them was broken.  I couldn't walk for a while.  And my oldest remarked, "You have ANOTHER boo-boo" - yes, yes indeed.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Rainy Monday

I love rainy days.  And I really love them when they are on Monday.  I'm not sure why I love Monday.  Maybe it's because I'm not going into an office anymore.  I was SO not cut out for the Monday - Friday work week.  8am Monday and I were NOT friends.  It wasn't pretty, even with coffee.  But now my job is at home.  Still not pretty without coffee!  It's 7 days a week - more exhausting, but more fulfilling.

So Mondays to me are kind of refreshing.  A new start to the week.  Kind of a "reset" on everything that went a little off-kilter over the weekend.   And just add in the rain - Makes the morning a beautiful gray color that invigorates me!  But let me be clear - just RAIN.  Not storms.  Maybe 3 rumbles of thunder, but that's all for a nice rainy day for me.  Mondays are my fresh start - new lists, new goals, more "possible" chances to get the stuff done that I didn't get done last week.  More opportunities to maybe read a book?  Or even blog?  Monday is my day to hit the ground running after a restful Sunday.  

So a nice refreshing rain.  A nice run on the treadmill.  A nice Monday to start the week.  Let's go!  

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Throwback Thursday

So I'm going to do a throwback series:  "This week in 2010."
Mostly instead of pictures, I'm going to take a look back at my old calendars, blogs and journals.  This is RIGHT before we got kids. And right in the beginning of when I became a new mom.  It should be an interesting journey!  It doesn't seem that long ago, but it really was!  I feel like a totally different person now.  It's weird that I've been a mom for less than four years, especially with having one starting kindergarten in the fall. But I wouldn't have it any other (crazy) way.  It was perfect!

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So today, we find ourselves in the first half of April 2010...

It was already Easter - it came early that year.  And it was already really warm outside.
A silly thing that I did - I was working outside trying to cut weeds and vine growth away from our outdoor AC unit.  I really was trying to be careful, cutting back and pulling out.  I was even trying to watch out for poison ivy.  There was one stubborn weed that wouldn't pull loose.  It was going up under the unit.  And of course, I didn't want it to get caught in the fan and cause a problem.  That really was my thought process.  It looked like a thorny branch - like one of those brown ones that's more like a root.  So I cut it and then tried pulling it.  Oops.  It was actually a wire going into the AC unit.  My bad.  The thermostat wire.  It could have been really bad.  So I had to have someone come out and replace it.  The guy said, "It looks cut.  On purpose?"  Yep.

I had joined a Bible Study at church and started my first year volunteering at VBS as a director for preschool children.  I had done both of those sooner than I really wanted to.  I really wanted to have kids so that I could be a "mom" in Bible study.  I thought it would be really hard being with other ladies that were mothers, while I was still waiting and longing.  God was really faithful to be to give me courage to just jump in anyway - before I thought I was ready.  He placed some wonderful godly women in my life at just the time that I needed them.  What a blessing!

And I thought I was crazy volunteering to work with KIDS when I didn't have any yet.  But when I was asked to be a part of it, I prayed and the answer was clear.  I did wonder why, but I just blindly followed and began a journey into the children's ministry at my church.

And oh how things were just put in place, paving the path, marking the way for the years to come.
And oh how I didn't know it at the time - not that would ever.  But I wasn't even looking at it that way.
And oh how God was waiting for this perfect moment in time, to change my life forever.
Little did I know...

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Frenzied Friday

So Friday is a day that I seem to always be frantic and frenzied.  I was thinking about the differences of the meanings of these words...  So I looked it up!
Frantic: desperate or wild with excitement, passion, fear, pain, etc.; frenzied
Frenzied: wildly excited or enthusiastic. also, violently agitated; frantic

So they are kind of interchangeable - but also sort have a different feel to them.  Such is my day on Friday.  I am usually frantic with trying to get done the things that I didn't do over the past week.  And then getting things ready for the weekend.  This Friday, indeed was that way.  I was trying to get a few things that were straggling from Monday through Thursday.  Plus prepping for a trip out of town - so that included packing and getting the kids stuff ready for the sitters that were coming to stay with them for the weekend.  Mommy and daddy got a little vacation!!  So indeed frenzied with excitement and frantic with prepping...

And some of my frantic catching up... here are the themes for the missing days this week:

Wacky Wednesday and Throwback Thursday
coming next week!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Thinking Tuesday

So each day this week, I'm trying to think about where my head is each day.  And Tuesday seems to be my thinking day.  Thinking about how - and where - the week is going.  And thinking about the future and all the things I need to do.  Tuesday is also when most of my blog ideas come to me, but never get written down.*  I'm not exhausted from the week yet and it's not as crazy as Monday.  Tuesday is the perfect day for sitting down with a cup of coffee for an hour to just think and ponder.  YEAH RIGHT.  Maybe I will get to drink my coffee before having to reheat it in the microwave, then forget that it's in there and then reheat the reheat...

I am sometimes even thinking about bigger things.  Projects to be done.  Summer plans.  Deeper things too, like what fall is going to look like here with the oldest starting school.  What kind of parent I want to be.  Forget New Years resolutions.  Give me a Tuesday for retrospection!

Today I was thinking about all the milestones of life - mainly of kids.  All the ones that you really pay attention to - and then the ones that happen and you didn't really even realize that you were missing them.  Like the last bottle.  Or the last sippy cup.  The last night with the pacifier (oh, wait, I remember that one...)

Today I had a kid milestone.  A very minor one, but it got me thinking.  Am I going to remember all of these?  Well, the answer is no.  I don't remember what I had for lunch yesterday, so there is no way I'm going to remember what happened this spring, but I will remember the feeling.  The feeling that my tiny ones are getting so big.  That they don't need me as much as they did, even 6 months ago.  And maybe the fact that I need them more now...  And need them more every day.

So for my thinking Tuesday... It's time to make the coffee!

*(seeing as how I've done two blogs this week, I'm currently trying something new and it seems to be working.)

Monday, March 31, 2014

Mobilize Mondays

Coming off the weekend, Monday is just a long and crazy day.  And it's a day to gear back up for the week.  The week before on Friday, I'm putting stuff off to do for Saturday.  Then Saturday comes and I don't want to do anything!  But I force myself to get the things done that are on my list so that I don't have to do them on Sunday.  Because I'm NOT going to do them on Sunday.  I am trying to keep Sunday basically work-free - keeping it the Sabbath.  Only doing things that are live-giving.  I do basic stuff like making meals, etc.  But no chores or other work that isn't fun for me.  Organizing is fun for me, and life-giving, so sometimes I do that...  But other than that I'm working hard on Sunday to not do work!

So on Monday, I end up trying to figure out where I am on the stuff that needs to be done - and the stuff that I want to do.  And really it's about what I want to do.  Basic needs are always taken care of - it's the daily, weekly and monthly projects that need to be done.   Things that I like to keep up with so that they don't catch up with me!  But sometimes those things that I need to do, steal time from the things that I want to do.  So Mobilize Monday is the day that I like to figure out how I can fit it all in - ALL of it.  Wanting to do the things I need to do and needing to do the things that I want to do!

Mondays are when I regroup for the week.  Where are we going?  What needs to be done? What do I want to get done?  Who needs to be where, when?  Review my calendar(s).  Make my lists.  Make plans.  And then the most important part:  be prepared for all of that to be thrown into chaos.  Because who am I kidding.  I can plan stuff, but life happens in the unexpected and the unknown - the adventure and the challenge.

So I'm mobilized for the week - for whatever may come!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Three kids and a milkshake

This evening, after a fun trip to the zoo, I was sitting on the couch finishing up a milkshake and all three kids came over to me.  And Daniel said, "Nothing like sitting on the couch with three kids trying to steal your milkshake."  And I said kiddingly, "Nope, there really is nothing like this.  This is the dream!"  But this really IS the dream.  To be enjoying a nice day, a trip to the zoo, a dinner with my family, and surrounded by my kids - that is my dream.  But I never thought that my dream would be so fulfilled.  That I would have THREE kids surrounding me on a Sunday afternoon.  Oh, how God has blessed our family.  Oh how I am so glad that my "plans" were nothing near how God has shaped my life.  My dream pales in comparison to the miracle that I see each morning - that I tuck in each evening.

It's amazing - sometimes I just can't believe that I'm a mom.  It's weird.  You'd think that I was reminded of it every minute of the day - hearing noises, wiping noses, "mommy mommy" all day long.  But sometimes, in a rare moment of quiet, I have to realize again that I am a mom.  I know that I am a "mommy" - tending to the needs of my little ones.  But being a "mother" just seems crazy still.  That I am going to be a mother forever.  That I am going to travel through life with these wonderful children that God has brought into my life. Being in the little years, I sometimes get trapped in thinking this is how it's going to be forever.  That there will always be toys on the floor and diapers and tears and fits.  Ok, so maybe I won't see the end of all of that...  Ok, well maybe just the end to the diapers.  But still.  It will be different.  Soon they will all be in school.  And then they will all be teenagers...  yikes.  Maybe because it happened so fast, that I guess I'm still just catching up sometimes.  It still is amazing to me that I am a mom of three.

So today, I was glad to have my little ones - all grabbing for the straw.  Reminding me how blessed I am.  Reminding me to remember to take the time to sit on the floor with them and brush a doll's hair, or play ball in their room, or look intently at each drawing (even if I don't really see Rapunzel sitting on a cactus).

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Sound of Silence

What is that noise that I hear? Oh, silence. Uh oh.

It's interesting become a parent. As babies, kids pretty much stay where you leave them. You watch them sleep, giggle, and eat. And you see their little eyes look back at you. Then they start moving... And moving fast. I always thought that you have to always WATCH your kids. Watch to make sure that they are doing what they should and not doing what they shouldn't. But what I have learned over the past few years is that is more of what you hear than really what you see. And more importantly, what you don't hear!

When the kids are making noise, I can pretty much tell what they are doing and how they are playing. I can even tell what's on a child's mind as they are walking down the hallway, by the way they are walking. Like on the way to the fridge for a drink. Or purposefully headed to the potty. Or meandering down holding a princess dress. Even before I look that way, I can predict the "traffic" patterns of the kids. I can tell the girls are playing together and if they are in the mood to include their brother by the noises made.

And it's not the screams or the thuds that are the scariest. Those are not good noises, but usually they are made in "fun" times. Still freaking mommy out a little, but with no harm and no tears. It's the silence that is the scariest. If the kids are making NO noise, that is when investigation is necessary. Usually I will find the oldest just coloring and drawing, concentrating on her latest artwork. And the youngest will be found in the silence just pushing little buttons on a toy - although sometimes sitting somewhere he really shouldn't be, complete with a "what is it mommy..." coy smile. It's the middle one - she is the one that I search out and find adventure. Sitting on our bed having gone through my purse, on her FOURTH piece of gum. Happy as a clam. Or all of the clothes out of a drawer neatly strewn across the room. There was a plan - a quiet plan.   And since writing this blog a week ago (before posting), the baby is now "up to something" as soon as I hear silence.  Now there are two silent adventurers in trouble...

Toilet paper and tissues strewn about silently.  Sprinkles poured in the lap and being eaten silently (don't ask).  Towers built.  Plans laid.  Danger brews.

Play is loud. Discovery is quiet.

- Carrie

Sent from my iPad

Monday, January 20, 2014

Hurry Up

Come on! Hurry up! We have got to go!
Why am I in such a hurry all the time? Where am I actually going?

I just finished a book about simple living. And it was really about simple living needs to start in your heart. It was more about taking the time to enjoy the people in your life and to enjoy being with yourself, instead of how to organizing or schedule. It was actually more about NOT scheduling. To really take a look at your to do list and activities and see what in there is life-giving. And what could - or should - be removed.

I have been trying to slow down over the last few weeks. Moving so slowly, that I couldn't get this blog finished. Haha. (Well, yeah.)

It's not that I'm always running late - well, I am sometimes. I have plenty of time to get where I need to be, but then I think I have more time than I actually have, and I add a task here and there. Oh, I could do this "really quickly" - and "really quickly" is much longer than I really account for. So then I end up in a rush - and then subsequently, end up being late. And that leads me to telling the kids to hurry all the time. Maybe sometimes we do need to be in a hurry. But why?

I really desire to be with my kids in the moment. And if I'm pushing them out the door all the time, there isn't much time to just BE. And after thinking about it, there are so many times that I am telling the kids to hurry - and there is NO reason to rush. There is really no where to be at that time. We aren't late. I'm just wanting them to hurry - and hurry for me. Where is my patience in my parenting?

I guess I'm just wanting to move faster then they are moving. I do have an inner momentum that is going at breakneck speed most of the time. So what I've been doing the past week or so is trying to slow down that inner rhythm. The one that is rushing me to keep going and do something. Even when I'm sitting down, I feel rushed to get on with the next thing. And in this slowing, it is really doing wonders for my day - and my mind. I am calmer. I can deal with the little things as they come along [and in saying that, this IS a work in progress, so there is work to be done!!] I don't feel bad if I spend time running through the house playing hide and seek with the kids and a few chores get left on the list for the next day. By slowing down from the inside, I am really able to see what matters. I am taking pauses during the day - to sit, with the kids or with a book. To have a cup of coffee. To just sit down!! Instead of just waiting to rest at the end of the day - basically sprinting to the finish, I'm taking a pause and recharging throughout the day. This pausing part is definitely a work in progress. I'm still not sure what this will look like day to day with little ones at home.

And to make this kind of slow rest be a part of our family, we are implementing Sabbath rest to our Sundays. Preparing for Sabbath throughout the week, so that Sunday looks different than every other day. Not only going to church for worship and fellowship, but being sure to rest and recharge our whole selves. No chores or errands - and maintaining the house (like doing dishes) kept at a minimum. We will be doing things that are fun, healthful and restful - individually and as a family.

It's going to be hard to slow down (and maintain it) during the week - and really hard to pretty much stop on Sunday. This is a new frontier that I am embarking on - and there is so much to learn. But it's something that I so want to do - and need to do. So I am now going to hurry up - and slow down!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year

Alas the year has come to a close. And the memories that we will have of the time that is past - are already made and remembered. A fresh new start comes with the beginning of a new year. My New Year's resolutions usually tend to lean more towards goals - like a change in attitude or perspective - instead of a more tangible goal of "doing" something. And changing when the calendar changes is a great opportunity. It seems easier to do things like this in the new year, because people are more receptive to change. Maybe it's expected more - because the new year is a time for a new beginning.

So this year I want to focus on living in the present. I'm not going to get this time back. These days with my little ones are fleeting. So I want to enjoy the moments. Living with the mindset of "will I regret it if I don't do THIS or THAT" may sound a little defeatist or negative, but it motivates me to do things. Because it is true. I'm not going to get today back. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is yet to come. So all that I have is today. So it puts a fire in my day - in my planning - in my doing.

I gave this philosophy a try this Christmas season. Thinking ahead - what do I want to do this season with my kids, family and home? What am I going to wish that I did - if I don't do it? So I made a list and put stuff in my calendar to do them! And it was fun! Baking, crafting, doing random silly things and watching fun Christmas movies - just to name a few! It added fun and magic to the season. And really created some memories and traditions for our family. I got to see what works and what doesn't really... And since I was trying and doing lots of things, there were many successes (like baking) and only a few disasters (baking again)! Instead of just wishing I could do a certain activity or just thinking it was going to be too hard or take too much time or just do it "later" (and "later" seems to never come) we just DID things - jumping right in! It was easy to practice this way of thinking during the holiday season. It will be interesting to apply it during the "regular" part of the year, doing "normal" activities!

I'm thinking that the first few things I'm going to focus doing things in the NOW and not the later are a few things for me - blogging and reading. I miss my creative outlets that are personal - I do plenty of creative things with the kids, but for me, my brain function needs a workout! Those are things that get pushed aside to the "later" pile - so why not think about doing it now!

The other thing is living in the space that I have now - with the things that I need and use NOW. This is sort of a carry-over from last year. Cleaning out what we don't really need or use. Having less. Using more of what we have. Being grateful for the things, but more importantly for each other and the time we spend together. I think that things - tech stuff, toys and even to do lists - get in the way of time spent together. I want to make way for the people by having less physically in the way. I'm not sure how this is going to work, what I am going to do, how far I'm going to go and if it's going to work. But it's going to be on my mind.

So over the next few weeks and months, I'm going to be thinking... How do I want to look back on this time that I have spent while my kids are in the little years? It's a unique time and I'm right in the middle of it!