What is that noise that I hear? Oh, silence. Uh oh.
It's interesting become a parent. As babies, kids pretty much stay where you leave them. You watch them sleep, giggle, and eat. And you see their little eyes look back at you. Then they start moving... And moving fast. I always thought that you have to always WATCH your kids. Watch to make sure that they are doing what they should and not doing what they shouldn't. But what I have learned over the past few years is that is more of what you hear than really what you see. And more importantly, what you don't hear!
When the kids are making noise, I can pretty much tell what they are doing and how they are playing. I can even tell what's on a child's mind as they are walking down the hallway, by the way they are walking. Like on the way to the fridge for a drink. Or purposefully headed to the potty. Or meandering down holding a princess dress. Even before I look that way, I can predict the "traffic" patterns of the kids. I can tell the girls are playing together and if they are in the mood to include their brother by the noises made.
And it's not the screams or the thuds that are the scariest. Those are not good noises, but usually they are made in "fun" times. Still freaking mommy out a little, but with no harm and no tears. It's the silence that is the scariest. If the kids are making NO noise, that is when investigation is necessary. Usually I will find the oldest just coloring and drawing, concentrating on her latest artwork. And the youngest will be found in the silence just pushing little buttons on a toy - although sometimes sitting somewhere he really shouldn't be, complete with a "what is it mommy..." coy smile. It's the middle one - she is the one that I search out and find adventure. Sitting on our bed having gone through my purse, on her FOURTH piece of gum. Happy as a clam. Or all of the clothes out of a drawer neatly strewn across the room. There was a plan - a quiet plan. And since writing this blog a week ago (before posting), the baby is now "up to something" as soon as I hear silence. Now there are two silent adventurers in trouble...
Toilet paper and tissues strewn about silently. Sprinkles poured in the lap and being eaten silently (don't ask). Towers built. Plans laid. Danger brews.
Play is loud. Discovery is quiet.
- Carrie
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