Sunday, April 6, 2014

Frenzied Friday

So Friday is a day that I seem to always be frantic and frenzied.  I was thinking about the differences of the meanings of these words...  So I looked it up!
Frantic: desperate or wild with excitement, passion, fear, pain, etc.; frenzied
Frenzied: wildly excited or enthusiastic. also, violently agitated; frantic

So they are kind of interchangeable - but also sort have a different feel to them.  Such is my day on Friday.  I am usually frantic with trying to get done the things that I didn't do over the past week.  And then getting things ready for the weekend.  This Friday, indeed was that way.  I was trying to get a few things that were straggling from Monday through Thursday.  Plus prepping for a trip out of town - so that included packing and getting the kids stuff ready for the sitters that were coming to stay with them for the weekend.  Mommy and daddy got a little vacation!!  So indeed frenzied with excitement and frantic with prepping...

And some of my frantic catching up... here are the themes for the missing days this week:

Wacky Wednesday and Throwback Thursday
coming next week!

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