Saturday, April 14, 2012

An "Off" Week. A Good Day.

Next week is finally the end of tax season.  This week was the last full week - my last push to the end.  And this week felt like I was trudging through mud, up a hill, and running into a brick wall.  After tax season - it's so much better.  More family time because there are no Saturday workdays, there are earlier evenings home and even Fridays off.  We really haven't settled into the groove of being a family of four - in a normal way yet.  We got back from China and it was ROUGH.  Then it was the holidays.  Then tax season was already upon us.  And it's been crazy for D this year.  Last year, it was just me and a baby.  And she was barely crawling around.  Basically a little cute lump of fun, in a baby swing.  But this year, COMPLETELY different story.  And I'm wearing down, wearing thin.  Mommy needs some rejuvenation time.  
And this week - just being a very bumpy road - isn't helping that final push that I need to make.  Nothing terribly bad, just bumpy.  An "off" week, where things just aren't clicking.  Things just aren't going right.  And I feel that I'm running late for everything - rushing just to keep up.  
...The dog is vomiting all night - and all day, have to get something from the vet.  Forgot my phone when I left the house.  Forgot my sunglasses (I HAVE to have my sunglasses to drive).  Going for a run on the treadmill at the Y - the machine was flipping back and forth between miles and kilometers.  And was taking about 3 minutes to respond to any speed changes I made.  Which led to me running REALLY fast for about 5 minutes.  Too fast.  Then it slowed down and I was going too slow.  Neither of which you want to do on a treadmill - especially if you're me, with my not-so-gracefulness!  So.  That was just one day.  Before it was even 10am!  
...I tried to get a haircut appointment.  Long story short - it just didn't happen.  But not without utter frustration.  And then the computer was acting up - and I got so mad and frustrated that I cried.  I'm a "mad crier" - but all those tears left me with laryngitis.  Oops.  
I feel like I'm just fighting through this week.  And it reminded me of my favorite book for the girls.  It may not be their favorite, but it's mine.  A Good Day.  The back cover reads "what can make a bad day a good day? You decide" 
So I went forward in my day looking for a way for it to be better.  And I couldn't do this alone.  I realized that of course, I needed God to turn my day - and my attitude around.  I was letting all the "stuff" get to me.  When it's not about that.  
So I had someone watching the kids yesterday morning so I could run some "kid-free" errands.  It didn't start as planned.  But I just had to believe there was a reason that I was running late and had to shift things around.  I did a walk-in haircut, dropped my gross puke-smelling comforter off at the cleaners and got some clip-in cycle shoes for spin class all in less than two hours!  The speed that I can have without the girls in tow...  
And my bad day that was ending my bad week...  I was worried about the haircut, going to the walk-in place.  Last time they just didn't do it right.  But I got this great lady.  It was just a simple thing - that I needed today.  And then at the cycle shop, the lady that was helping me, I had met Monday in a class that she was teaching at the Y.  She was great, helpful, and fun to talk to -- and the shoes...on sale!!  
I know that my day and my attitude didn't change by anything that I did.  God blessed my day.  Because I was willing to see what He was going to do.  Even broken, whiny and exhausted as I was.  A Good Day.  

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