Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Numb Thumb

I have a rather weird hand injury. Actually most of my injuries are kind of random and weird. This one was kind of painful - for only a day. But now it's just kind of annoying. This weekend I had this horrible pain in my hand and I couldn't move my index finger without a shooting pain. So I buddy taped it to my middle finger and stopped it from moving. So the pain was kept at bay. But it was on my right hand. Of course I'm right handed. 
I have an injury on my right hand from when I was a kid. I was sewing Barbie clothes and thought the carpet would be a good pin cushion. It wasn't. I had to have surgery to remove half of a needle from my hand.  Oops. So I was thinking maybe this is scar tissue causing an issue. 
But then the next day, my index finger pain was mostly gone, but then the weird started. My thumb went numb - like asleep. And it has been that way for three days now. But... It seems to be getting better. 
V E R Y slowly, though. An OT friend of mine said that it sounded like something to do with the carpal tunnel. 
I'm keeping an eye on it. Hoping that it just gets better. And it's headed that way. It's just making it much harder to do things. Hold children. Carry things. Type. Hold a cup (of coffee!) Write. It's making this week interesting... 

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