Monday, April 16, 2012

Code Name Kids

So, I guess you have noticed.  I don't use my kids names on the blog.  I'm paranoid.  Not just about this kind of thing.  About EVERYTHING.  I have been my whole life.  Paranoid about stuff I said and did.  Paranoid about what someone is thinking.  Paranoid about what is going to happen.  Paranoid about what did happen.  
When I started blogging, I had no little ones.  Then along came baby girl.  So I called her that for a while.  Baby girl.  Well, baby girl is turning TWO soon, so not much of a baby anymore.  So... not "baby" 
This past fall, we brought home our precious three-year-old little girl from China. Some people use numbers for talking about their kids, like #1 and #2.  But my "first" child is really my second, younger child.  And my "second" child, is my older one.  So that's just really confusing and crazy. numbers. 
I guess initials are my best bet? I don't think I have any good nicknames that I can use either.  Any ideas? 

1 comment:

Marissa said...

I like "H" and "J." They need cute nicknames, though! :)