Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tales for Tuesday: Discipline

I have been thinking lately about what I want to do.  Running, reading, actually taking time to relax.  Hey, everything is starting with an "R" - I also want to do some picture projects and household projects.  It's not the desire to do these things - either the fun stuff or the work stuff.  It's the WANTING to want to do them.  And the other day (actually while running) I figured out what I need - what it is that I actually want.  Discipline.  The discipline to see something, to make a plan and to DO it.  That second step is where I get hung up.  I make the plans.  Have the ideas of what I want to do and how I want to do it.  But the doing... that somehow gets put off or shuffled around and partly done.  That is why this year's goals for me are hopefully going to instill some motivation - some action - some actual DOING in my life.  I don't know what I'm waiting for.  The perfect time?  Um, yeah, that will never come.  An opportunity.  Yeah, not going to come either.  I have to make the opportunity.  Make priorities and have the discipline to follow through and finish whatever it is that I do.

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